How to create emails and access it via webmail.
To access your email on webmail you need to go to your domain name and add /webmail e.g
Here you will need to enter your email and password e.g
This email does not exist for now and we need to create it on the cpanel. The cpanel logins were sent to your email with the subject”new account information”. Find this email in your inbox or spam mailbox or search the email subject”new account information”.
Click the link provided and enter that username and password.
NB/ your Ipaddress could get blocked if you try several times. Ensure you use the correct password by “copy” and “paste” it.
Once you login, go to email-email accounts-create
Put the name you want to use and click “generate password” or use your own password. Save or write these dettails somewhere.
see pics here;
Now go back to the email link mentioned earlier that carries your domain name e.g
put the username and email then login.
Your mailbox looke loke this;